Thursday, March 7, 2013

3.7 Notes

Computer Fraud Act, 1984 (<--- bogus - made before the Internet even existed?)
Illegal to violate the terms of service of any product/service.
That means... if you have an alias on Facebook, YOU CAN GO TO JAIL for violating FB's terms of service. 
It turns 46 million Americans into Criminals
It would take 76 8-hour work days for the average person to read the Terms and Conditions they agree to in a year.

Law named in honor of Swartz
Aaron violated JSTOR's terms of use by writing a script that downloaded article after article. That was his his ACTUAL criminal activity. "He was basically going to be sent to prison for checking out too many library books. If you were to do that in a real library, you'd be kind of a dick, but you shouldn't go to prison for it," said Edwards.

Lessig is currently going after Congress for its susceptibility to ignore lobbyists b/c of corporate/$ influence. #OccupyWallStreet

History is not natural. We're not where we are because there was no other way. People make cultural, economic, legal choices.... Once you turn experiences into information, you can do all kinds of stuff.
Meaning need not reside in information; people impose meaning on information.
When people have not calibrated their expectations enough because the issue has not been around long (doctors getting sued vs. copyright infringers), the first thing they prioritize is money.


"Art for Copy" movie to watch
John Burger essay, "Ways of Seeing." 

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